11th Smart Grid Forum Latin America, September 17-18, 2018

The Smart Grid Forum Latin America is pleased to announce and invite all the energy sector stakeholders to participate with us attending to the 11th edition of the SMART GRID FORUM/2018 - Smart Grid Forum Latin America, to be held on September 17th and 18th, 2018, in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

This edition will include the International Panel SMART CITY/2018, aiming at congregating articulation associations for the deployment of intelligent networks in the various regions of the world, especially in urban areas. The 2018 Conference theme is “How the smart energy systems and its consumers are shaping the cities of the future”.

The main actors and stakeholders in the region have already participated in previous editions of the Forum, but especially in this edition, we will be working in an integrated way so that we can gather as many international participations as possible, also inviting the respective governments, regulators and local professional communities, aiming to receive the broader stakeholder’s possible matrix.

Themes such as Intelligent Cities, Connectivity, IoT, Blockchain, Public Lighting, Artificial Intelligence, among other technologies will be addressed at the Conference.

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