Smart Grid Project Catalogue: Part 1, By Project Main Application

The objective of the ISGAN global smart grid inventory is to help depict a global view of smart grid activities and investments to allow identification of remaining gaps along with opportunities for targeted collaboration or further investment by ISGAN Participants.

Development of the inventory followed the ISGAN framework of assessment, during which smart grid drivers and technologies were assessed by each ISGAN Participant based on their respective national-level priorities.

Information on ongoing and planned smart grid projects that respond to national-level priorities was then collected from each Participant as input to the inventory. The inventory, constructed in Microsoft Access and Excel, adopted the data fields and their organization used by the European Commission Joint Research Centre-Institute for Energy and Transport (JRC-IET) survey of smart grid projects with slight modifications. Harmonization of database content between the JRC-IET database and the inventory is readily achieved, while the inventory allows each ISGAN Participant to independently conduct query and analysis of smart grid projects.

Cataloguing of the projects in the inventory is presented in a two-part report. Part 1 organizes smart grid projects by each main application; whereas, Part 2 organizes the inventory projects by their contribution to policy goals. The “project main applications” and “policy goals” in the inventory are in close association with the “smart grid technologies” and the “smart grid drivers,” respectively, in the assessment framework. The latter two categories are more granular than their respective former categories; in other words, a main project application and a policy goal could encompass, respectively, a group of smart grid technologies and drivers. Project information presented in the two-part report was drawn from data call responses by the national experts and representatives of the ISGAN Participants, without any changes. This report presents 98 smart grid projects from 17 ISGAN Participants in the inventory, dated 28 March 2013. As the inventory is being continuously updated, the content of this report will necessarily change to reflect the current status of the inventory.

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