Steering our energy future

Making our power system fit for variable renewables - The side event of InnoGrid 2019 focused on the recent developments and innovations undertaken by network planners and regulatory bodies to increase coordination and control of interconnected systems and markets on the global scale.

(see also:

The large scale influx of variable generation is a challenge for the entire power system, especially in a context where large storage possibilities still remain economically unviable. Securing network stability becomes increasingly difficult because of increased volatility and growing numbers of unscheduled flows and the importance of existing paradigms seem to be fading. The electrification of society on the other hand adds to the socio-economic impact and the political sensitivity of a disruption of power supply. Policy makers and network operators therefore look at global grid solutions to better forecast and steer power flows:

  • Technological options to increase their knowledge about the real-time status of their network (e.g. WAMS) and to manage power flows (e.g. FACTS, PSTs & HVDC)
  • Increased coordination with other network operators, both at the TSO and DSO level.
  • Improved modelling and forecasting tools for all relevant time horizons, as well as discussing alternative safety standards in order to improve system control and network planning
  • Improved market design to attract the necessary system flexibility.


We also ask the question where there are limits of conflicts in the amount of interconnections and where there could be more need for local solutions, including small scale energy innovations and local market solutions that lead to the development of smarter local grids. From an international perspective we try to critically access whether these different trends (global versus local), that both aim at enable very high penetration of renewable energy sources, are totally independent or whether there are synergies or conflicts of interest between the two.

The International Smart Grids Action Network (ISGAN) has been focusing through Annex 6 (Power Transmission and Distribution Systems) on the application of advanced technologies needed for power grids to contribute in the best way to the attainment of clean energy and climate goals. In the interactive workshop  we will disseminate the conclusions of existing ISGAN activities on these topics, have presentations and discussions on innovative developments. This workshop should thus contribute to better focus the ISGAN activities in order for them to have impact on energy policy and ensure to deliver clear and relevant policy messages.

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