18th ISGAN Executive Committee Meeting (ExCo18)

A highly successful meeting of the Executive Committee of ISGAN took place from 30.9.-4.10.2019 in Montreux, Switzerland. A special thank you goes to the Swiss ExCo representatives Michael Moser and Turhan Demiray and the entire support team of Bundesamt für Energie, for their warm welcome in Montreux and all their efforts and commitment.

During the ExCo meeting, side events of various Annexes took place, which did not only attract great attention within ISGAN but also from external experts.


At this 18th meeting of the Executive Committee of ISGAN, Chairwoman Karin Widegren stepped down from her position and Luciano Martini, former Vice-Chair, was elected as her successor.

The ISGAN community thanked Karin for her tremendous efforts and acknowledged her sage counsel and dedicated leadership, tireless commitment inspiration to colleagues and young professionals, and overall cheer in fulfilling her duties. The Executive Committee presented the ISGAN Achievement Award to her.

The 18th ExCo meeting also focused on strategy issues that ranged from re-organising the Annex structure, boosting ISGAN’s activities in digitalisation and interoperability as well as stepping-up ISGAN’s task-sharing efforts.

  • Reorganisation of Annexes
    • A proposal for the adaptation and reorganization of the Annex structure in ISGAN was developed.
    • ISGAN Annexes will be asked to perform a self-assessment until the next ExCo meeting (taking place in March, 2020 in Berlin, Germany)
  • Establishment of the Incubator Team
    • Focus on new developments concerning digitalization and interoperability
    • Preparation of a knowledge-base for decision-making: Should new topics be included in the work of ISGAN? And if so, how?
  • Increased task-sharing efforts
    • Definition of a path forward to deepen and widen participation in ISGAN’s activities, in order to make its output more relevant to policy makers.
    • Issues concerning the goal of becoming an organization based on task-sharing; how to re-engage inactive members in Annex work; and possible further steps were discussed.
    • Continuous self-assessment of Annexes should also contribute to address these issues.
  • Market definitions: A topic-oriented session focused on the clarification of market definitions in relation to ISGAN engagement. The aim of the session was to review and clarify the differences of the multi-layered definitions for the term “market” in the context of grid modernization, digitalization, and smart grids.

The next meeting of the Executive Committee of ISGAN will take place in March in Berlin, Germany. The mentioned topics will be continued during the next meeting.

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