ISGAN Side Event at CEM9 - Policy Brief and Workshop Summary

Opportunities to Accelerate Smart Grid Deployment through Innovative Market Design - jointly organized with the Swedish Smart Grid Forum (23rd and 24th May - as part of the Nordic Clean Energy Week in Malmö and Copenhagen)

The purpose of this report is to present an overview of the results from the workshop and high-level panel discussion, “Intelligent market design – boosting global smart grid deployment,” organized by International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) and the Swedish Smart Grid Forum in conjunction with the 9th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), 24 May 2018 and as a part of the Nordic Clean Energy Week in Malmö and Copenhagen.
The report gives a summary of the discussions and conclusions from the workshop and includes the background policy brief prepared by representatives from the organizers based on relevant position papers and studies from, for example, ISGAN, IEA, and IRENA as well as individual feedback from ISGAN national experts and the Swedish Smart Grid Forum representatives. The final version presented here also includes input received during the workshop on May 23.

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