
Global Smart Grid Inventory (Completed)

Many participating ISGAN countries are already developing, demonstrating, testing, and deploying smart grid technologies and systems, drafting policies and implementing regulations to advance smart grids, assessing current and projected transmission and delivery infrastructure needs, evaluating demand-side practices, and measuring other aspects of smart grids. In addition, many bilateral and regional cooperative efforts have been launched featuring smart grid as a significant or principal focus. The objective of this activity is to identify countries’ specific motivating drivers for pursuing smart grids, catalogue the wide range of smart grid activities underway, and collect and organize the wealth of experience being generated into a resource available first to ISGAN Participants and then a global audience. The ENARD Implementing Agreement has already started similar inventory work, through its Annex V, recently launched. Thus, close coordination will be sought with that and other relevant inventory efforts. It is expected that all signatories will contribute data and information to this Annex.

To date, Working Group 1 “Smart Grid Inventories”, delivering a general picture of on-going Smart Grid project deployment, has been completed. Any remaining activities or necessary updates are included in Communication Working Group .


[Lead] United StatesIreland
BelgiumRepublic of Korea
CanadaThe Netherlands
European CommissionSingapore

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